vesting (zn):
fortezza(ca) Construcció de defensa.
(ca) Construcció de defensa.
(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops.
(en) fortified place.
(fr) Lieu ou ville fortifiée..
(es) —.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., rocca(en) fortified place.
(en) fortification.
(pl) —., forte(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops.
(fr) Bâtiment militaire.., fortino(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops.
(pl) —., bastione(en) place built to withstand attack., bicocca(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops., fortificazione(en) that which fortifies., fortilizio(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops., piazzaforte(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops., ridotta(en) fortified defensive structure stationed with troops., roccaforte(pl) —.
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