Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'aanzetten'

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aanzetten (ww):
aanladen(nl) —., aanschakelen(nl) —., in werking stellen(nl) —., influisteren(nl) —., opfokken(nl) —., opporren(nl) —., pressen(nl) —., aansporen(en) to assist or encourage in crime.
(en) to incite or provoke.
(en) to press, push, drive.
(fr) (Transitif) engager fortement, inciter quelqu’un.
(en) to excite to action.
(en) to lead someone toward what they should say or do.
, inschakelen(en) to put into operation.
(en) (transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc..
(en) to turn a switch to the "on" position.
, aandoen(en) (transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc..
(fr) Démarrer un appareil.
, aanmoedigen(en) to assist or encourage in crime.
(en) to lead someone toward what they should say or do.
, activeren(en) to put into operation.
(fr) Activer.
, ophitsen(en) to assist or encourage in crime.
(en) to rouse, stir up or excite.
, provoceren(en) to incite or provoke.
(en) to press, push, drive.
, slijpen(en) to sharpen with a hone.
(fr) Aiguiser le tranchant émoussé ou ébréché d’un instrument.
, aandrijven(fr) (Transitif) engager fortement, inciter quelqu’un., aangaan(en) (transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.., aanzetten tot(fr) Activer., bewegen(en) to excite to action., drijven(en) to excite to action., duwen(en) to press, push, drive., lanceren(en) send out; start on a career; set going; give a start to; put in operation., maatregelen treffen(en) to excite to action., motiveren(en) to prompt or incite., opjutten(en) incite an attack by., scherp maken(en) to sharpen with a hone., scherpen(fr) Aiguiser le tranchant émoussé ou ébréché d’un instrument., souffleren(en) to lead someone toward what they should say or do., stappen ondernemen(en) to excite to action., wetten(fr) Aiguiser le tranchant émoussé ou ébréché d’un instrument., zetten(en) incite an attack by.

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