N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor verdeling.
verdeling (zn):
distributie(en) act of distribution or being distributed.
(en) apportionment by law of funds, property.
(en) process by which goods get to final consumers.
(en) the result of distributing; arrangement.
(en) statistics: set of relative likelihoods.
(fr) action de distribuer.
(fr) Partage, division, distribution., opdeling(en) act of distribution or being distributed.
(en) apportionment by law of funds, property.
(en) process by which goods get to final consumers.
(en) the result of distributing; arrangement.
(en) statistics: set of relative likelihoods.
(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., uitdeling(en) act of distribution or being distributed.
(en) apportionment by law of funds, property.
(en) process by which goods get to final consumers.
(en) the result of distributing; arrangement.
(en) statistics: set of relative likelihoods., deling(en) act or process of dividing anything.
(fi) jonkin jakaminen tai jakautuminen osiin.
(fr) Division de quelque chose en plusieurs portions.., scheiding(en) act or process of dividing anything.
(fi) jonkin jakaminen tai jakautuminen osiin., aandeel(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., deel(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., delen(fi) jonkin jakaminen tai jakautuminen osiin., divisie(fr) Autres sens à trier., part(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., partitie(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., rolbezetting(fr) action de distribuer., rolverdeling(fr) action de distribuer., splitsing(en) action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another., spreiding(fr) Autres sens à trier., toneelgezelschap(fr) action de distribuer., uitsplitsing(fr) Partage, division, distribution., verspreiding(fr) Partage, division, distribution.
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