voorbije (bn):
afgelopen(en) of a period of time: having just gone by.
(en) having already happened; in the past.
(en) grammar: expressing action that has already happened., verleden(en) grammar: expressing action that has already happened.
(en) of a period of time: having just gone by.
(en) having already happened; in the past., voorbij(en) grammar: expressing action that has already happened.
(en) of a period of time: having just gone by.
(en) having already happened; in the past.
voorbije (zn):
verleden(en) period of time that has already happened.
(en) times gone by., vervlogene(en) period of time that has already happened., weleer(en) times gone by.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com