kern (zn):
çekirdek(de) in der Mitte befindlicher Hauptbestandteil eines Ganzen; Basis, Zentrum.
(en) heart of a thing.
(en) center or inner part.
(en) most important part of a thing.
(pl) —., eşelek(de) in der Mitte befindlicher Hauptbestandteil eines Ganzen; Basis, Zentrum.
(en) heart of a thing.
(en) center or inner part.
(en) most important part of a thing., öz(de) in der Mitte befindlicher Hauptbestandteil eines Ganzen; Basis, Zentrum.
(en) center or inner part.
(en) heart of a thing.
(en) most important part of a thing., ana(en) heart of a thing.
(en) center or inner part.
(en) most important part of a thing., maça(en) heart of a thing.
(en) center or inner part.
(en) most important part of a thing.
kern (bn):
nükleer(en) pertaining to the nucleus of a cell.
(en) of a weapon: deriving its force from nuclear energy.
(en) involving nuclear energy.
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