Vertaling van 'państwo' uit het Pools naar het Nederlands

państwo (vnw):
ge(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., gij(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., gijle(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., gijlie(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., gijlieden(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., gulder(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., je(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., jij(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., jou(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., jullie(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed., u(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.

państwo (zn):
staat(pl) —.
(ca) Organització política.
(de) nach Einfluss oder Aufgabe gestaffeltes System aus Individuen.
(de) Politik: Gebiet, auf dem ein Staat liegt.
(en) any sovereign polity.
(fi) suvereenisti toimiva valtarakenne.
(fr) État, nation..
(ru) политическая организация общества.
(sv) styrande organ.
(sv) land.
(tr) politika.
, land(en) nation state.
(fr) État, nation..
(ja) 国家.
(no) stat, nasjon.
, natie(de) —.
(fr) État, nation..

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken