devir (zn):
periode(ca) Fracció de temps.
(ca) Fracció de temps.
(en) time period.
(en) a length of time.
(zh) 發展過程中的一段時間., draaiing(en) single cycle of turning.
(en) act of turning around a centre.
(ru) действие., rotatie(en) single cycle of turning.
(en) act of turning around a centre.
(ru) действие., bestuur(en) the exercise of sovereign power.
(en) the period during which a monarch rules., cyclus(en) complete rotation.
(en) process that repeats itself., heerschappij(en) the exercise of sovereign power.
(en) the period during which a monarch rules., regering(en) the period during which a monarch rules.
(en) the exercise of sovereign power., tijdperk(en) time period.
(en) particular period of history., troon(en) the exercise of sovereign power.
(en) the period during which a monarch rules., coupon(de) Abriss einer Eintrittskarte oder eines Gutscheins: Kupon., era(en) time period., tijdrekening(en) time period.
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