soğuk (bn):
koud(ca) De baixa temperatura.
(ca) De baixa temperatura.
(en) unfriendly.
(en) of the weather.
(en) having a low temperature.
(fi) matalalämpötilainen.
(fr) D'une basse température.
(fr) (Cuisine) Qui se déguste froid.
(lt) lt.
(es) —.
(pt) (falta de calor).
(sv) med låg temperatur., afstandelijk(en) reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant.
(en) having a low temperature.
(en) of the weather.
(en) unfriendly.
(en) emotionally unresponsive., fris(en) of the weather.
(en) unfriendly.
(en) having a low temperature.
(lt) lt., koel(en) unfriendly.
(en) having a low temperature.
(en) of the weather.
(lt) lt., kil(fr) D'une basse température.
(fr) (Cuisine) Qui se déguste froid.
(es) —., frisse(lt) lt., gereserveerd(en) reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant., koele(lt) lt., koude(lt) lt., lauw(de) halbherzig, unentschlossen., lauwwarm(de) halbherzig, unentschlossen., onvriendelijk(en) not friendly; hostile., terughoudend(en) reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant.
soğuk (zn):
kou(de) niedrige Temperatur.
(de) Unfreundlichkeit, Gefühlskälte., koude(de) niedrige Temperatur.
(de) Unfreundlichkeit, Gefühlskälte., rijm(en) cold weather that would cause frost., rijp(en) cold weather that would cause frost., vorst(en) cold weather that would cause frost.
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