Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'stang'

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stang (ww):
advocatuur(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, baar(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, balie(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, ban(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, bar(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, barreren(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
, blok(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, blokkeren(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, café(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, kroeg(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
, orde van advocaten(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, reep(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, staaf(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, stuk(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, tapkast(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, taveerne(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
, toog(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, verbod(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, vergrendelen(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
, versperren(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, zandbank(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.

stang (zn):
staaf(nl) meestal metalen voorwerp in de vorm van een lange stijve cilinder.
(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
(fr) Tige de bois ou de métal.
(fr) —.
, baar(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
(fr) Morceau de bois assez long.
(fr) Longue pièce de bois.
, blok(en) solid object with uniform cross-section.
(en) metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section.
, paal(fr) Morceau de bois assez long.
(fr) Longue pièce de bois.
, pijp(fr) Morceau de bois assez long., polsstok(es) —., roede(fr) Morceau de bois assez long., schacht(fr) Morceau de bois assez long., spijl(fr) Morceau de bois assez long., staf(fr) Morceau de bois assez long., stok(fr) Morceau de bois assez long.

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