Vertaling van 'wolny' uit het Pools naar het Nederlands

wolny (bn):
vrij(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(ca) Que no depèn d'altri.
(ca) Que no depèn d'altri.
(en) without obligations.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) not imprisoned.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
(en) not in use.
(en) without.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) (software) with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(fr) Non contraint.
(fr) Non soumis à une ou plusieurs contraintes externes, en parlant de personnes.
(fr) Libre de droits d’auteur..
(lt) lt.
(it) non soggetto al volere altrui.
(sv) fri.
(ru) вольный.
(ru) —.
, los(en) not in use.
(en) not imprisoned.
(en) without obligations.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) without.
(en) unobstructed.
(lt) lt.
, -vrij(en) not imprisoned.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) without.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
(en) not in use.
(en) without obligations.
(en) unconstrained.
, loslopend(en) not imprisoned.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) without.
(en) not in use.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) without obligations.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
, ongedwongen(en) not imprisoned.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) without.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
(en) not in use.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) without obligations.
, open(en) not imprisoned.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) not in use.
(en) without.
(en) without obligations.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
, vrije(en) not in use.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) without.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) not imprisoned.
(en) without obligations.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
, zonder(en) not imprisoned.
(en) software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement.
(en) without.
(en) unobstructed.
(en) mathematics: unconstrained.
(en) not in use.
(en) unconstrained.
(en) without obligations.
, langzaam(en) not quick in motion.
(es) [1] que obra o sucede con poca velocidad.
(lt) lt.
(sv) som rör sig med låg hastighet.
(sv) (om förändring) som tar lång tid.
, traag(en) not quick in motion.
(es) [1] que obra o sucede con poca velocidad.
(lt) lt.
(sv) som rör sig med låg hastighet.
(sv) (om förändring) som tar lång tid.
, langzaam van begrip(sv) som rör sig med låg hastighet.
(sv) (om förändring) som tar lång tid.
, ongehuwd(de) keine Ehefrau oder Ehemann habend.
(es) —.
, sloom(en) not quick in motion.
(lt) lt.
, alleenstaand(en) not married nor dating., beschikbaar(en) capable of being used., gratis(sv) fri., leeg(en) not occupied., ongetrouwd(es) —., vacant(en) not occupied.

Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken