Gewohnheit (zn):
gewoonte(de) —.
(en) an action done on a regular basis.
(en) habitual way of doing things.
(fr) Pratique sociale constante, coutume.
(fr) Disposition acquise par des actes réitérés.
(it) psicologia, tendenza dovuta alla ripetizione delle stesse azioni.
(pt) costume, prática, uso.
(sv) handling som utförs regelbundet.
(pl) —., bekendheid(en) familiar acquaintance; familiarity.
(en) habitual buying of goods from one same vendor.
(en) frequent repetition of the same act., gebruik(fr) Pratique sociale constante, coutume.
(fr) Disposition acquise par des actes réitérés.
(fr) Coutume, habitude.., gebruiken(en) frequent repetition of the same act.
(en) familiar acquaintance; familiarity.
(en) habitual buying of goods from one same vendor., klandizie(en) frequent repetition of the same act.
(en) habitual buying of goods from one same vendor.
(en) familiar acquaintance; familiarity., manieren(en) habitual buying of goods from one same vendor.
(en) familiar acquaintance; familiarity.
(en) frequent repetition of the same act., usance(fr) Pratique sociale constante, coutume.
(fr) Disposition acquise par des actes réitérés., herhaling(en) mechanical routine., sleur(en) mechanical routine.
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