coil (zn):
A structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
propeller, schroef, helix, krul, schroeflijn, spiraal, spiraallijn
coil (zn):
Tubing that is wound in a spiral
coil (zn):
A contraceptive device placed inside a woman's womb
spoel, spiraal, spiraaltje
coil (zn):
A round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
wervelwind, rol
coil (zn):
spoel(en) —.
(fr) Petit cylindre de bois qui sert à filer au rouet.
(zh) 電感元件.
(sv) passiv elektrisk komponent.
(de) —., rumoer(en) —., spiraal(en) —., veer(en) —., klos(fr) Petit cylindre de bois qui sert à filer au rouet., wikkeling(fr) Bobinage électrique.
coil (ww):
oprollen(en) —.
(en) —., opschieten(en) —.
(en) —., opwinden(en) —.
(en) —., spiraalsgewijze oprollen(fr) (Pronominal) S’enrouler sur lui-même, en parlant d’un serpent..
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