Vertaling van 'kruis' uit het Nederlands naar het Engels

kruis (zn):
(genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species
cross, crossbreed, hybrid

kruis (zn):
A representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry

kruis (zn):
A marking that consists of lines that cross each other
crisscross, cross, mark

kruis (zn):
An annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
trial, tribulation, visitation

kruis (zn):
External sex organ
crotch, genital organ, genitalia, genitals, private parts, privates

kruis (zn):
(usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head

kruis (zn):
A gesture with the right hand moving to form a cross; used by Catholics as a profession of faith
sign of the cross


kruis (zn):
cross(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(el) γεωμετρικό σχήμα.
(de) —.
(fi) metallirahan kuvapuoli.
(fi) kristinuskon symboli.
(fi) kuvio.
(it) termine araldico.
(fr) Meuble héraldique.
(fr) Marque formée de deux traits perpendiculaires.
(no) figur med to stolper som krysser hverandre.
(it) —.
(no) gammelt henrettelsesredskap.
(sv) geometrisk figur.
(sv) kristen symbol.
(ru) крестное знамение.
(ru) фигура в виде двух пересекающихся полос.
(ru) символ христианской веры.
(zh) 交叉的形狀.
(zh) 羅馬帝國刑具;基督教信仰象徵.
, sharp(de) —.
(fi) symboli ♯, joka ilmaisee puolen sävelaskeleen korotusta.
(zh) 變音記號.
, crucifix(sv) geometrisk figur.
(sv) kristen symbol.
, heads(fi) metallirahan kuvapuoli.
(sv) ena sidan av ett mynt.
, sharp sign(de) —.
(fr) Symbole graphique formé de deux doubles barres croisées.
, back(de) —., crotch(fr) Sexe., crown(sv) ena sidan av ett mynt., fork(el) σκεύος., horse(it) [[equide]]., krona(sv) ena sidan av ett mynt., krone(sv) ena sidan av ett mynt., kroon(sv) ena sidan av ett mynt., króna(sv) ena sidan av ett mynt.

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