idiom (zn):
The style of a particular artist or school or movement
idiom (zn):
A manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language
taal, taaleigen, idioom
idiom (zn):
An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up
idioom, zinswending, frase, zegswijze, uitdrukking
idiom (zn):
The usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people
mondaard, accent, dialect, patois, streektaal
idiom (zn):
idioom(en) —.
(de) Linguistik: feste Redewendung, Wortverbindung, idiomatischer Ausdruck, festes Syntagma.
(de) eigentümliche Sprechweise einer Personengruppe., taaleigen(en) —., gezegde(de) formelhafte, satzförmige Äußerung.
(zh) 約定俗成的口語或慣用語., frase(de) —., spreekwoord(zh) 約定俗成的口語或慣用語., uitdrukking(fr) Manière de dire, tour de langage|1. c., zegswijze(zh) 約定俗成的口語或慣用語.
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