Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'met'

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met (ww):
zijn(en) to be equipped with.
(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
, bus(en) transport via a motor bus.
(en) travel by bus.
(en) transport students to school.
, conflicteren(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
, confligeren(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
, de(en) transport via a motor bus.
(en) travel by bus.
(en) transport students to school.
, reizen(en) transport via a motor bus.
(en) travel by bus.
(en) transport students to school.
, strijdig(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
(en) be at odds (with).
, vervoeren(en) transport via a motor bus.
(en) travel by bus.
(en) transport students to school.
, in het huwelijk treden(en) to marry.
(en) to marry.
, luchtpenseel(de) —.
(de) —.
, retoucheren(de) —.
(de) —.
, spuitbus(de) —.
(de) —.
, tot man nemen(en) to marry.
(en) to marry.
, tot vrouw nemen(en) to marry.
(en) to marry.
, trouwen(en) to marry.
(en) to marry.
, verven(de) —.
(de) —.
, afleggen(en) to be equipped with., bevatten(en) to star, to contain., bevechten(en) (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against., dragen(en) to be equipped with., kampen(en) (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against., manipuleren(en) alter by making unauthorized changes., ondergaan(en) to be equipped with., opschieten(en) interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble., overeenkomen(en) interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble., prutsen(en) alter by making unauthorized changes., strijden(en) (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against., tegen(en) (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against., torsen(en) to be equipped with., uitgerust(en) to be equipped with., uitvechten(en) (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against., vechten(en) (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against., verdragen(en) to be equipped with.

met (bn):
aardeachtig(en) down to earth., accent aigu(en) (orthography) after a letter of the alphabet: having an acute accent., berouw(en) sincerely penitent., berouwvol(en) sincerely penitent., de(en) down to earth., grond(en) down to earth., natuurlijk(en) down to earth., omhoog(en) facing upwards., op(en) down to earth., rouwvol(en) sincerely penitent., voet(en) down to earth.

met (vz):
tegen(en) with.
(en) in addition to.
(en) by means of.
(en) as nourishment.
(en) against.
(en) in the company of.
(en) used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship.
, bij(en) in the company of.
(en) against.
(en) by means of.
(en) in addition to.
(en) with.
(en) as nourishment.
, door(en) with.
(en) in the company of.
(en) by means of.
(en) as nourishment.
(en) in addition to.
(en) against.
, aan(en) used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship.
(en) as allowed by.
(en) thanks to.
, van(en) as allowed by.
(en) thanks to.
(ru) с творительным падежом.
, dank(en) as allowed by.
(en) thanks to.
, dankzij(en) as allowed by.
(en) thanks to.
, toestemming(en) as allowed by.
(en) thanks to.
, bezig(en) doing; involved in., tot(en) used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship.

met (bw):
graag(en) gladly., plezier(en) gladly.

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