Vertaling van 'humor' uit het Engels naar het Nederlands

humor (zn):
The trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous
gevoel voor humor, humor

humor (zn):
The quality of being funny

humor (zn):
The liquid parts of the body

humor (zn):
(Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state

humor (zn):
A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
kwinkslag, geestigheid

humor (zn):
A characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
karakter, uitharden, gemoed, bui, dispositie, geestesgesteldheid, humeur, luim, stemming


humor (zn):
humor(fr) état d’esprit.
(pt) (qualidade cômica de uma situação).
(sv) skämtlynne.
, gemoedsgesteldheid(fr) état d’esprit., humeur(fr) état d’esprit., stemming(fr) état d’esprit.

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