Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'dus'

N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor dus.

dus (bw):
alzo(nl) —., derhalve(de) gehoben: eine Schlussfolgerung einleitendes Wort.
(en) as a result, therefore.
, maar(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zo(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zodanig(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zodat(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zodoende(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.
, bijgevolg(en) as a result, therefore., bijgevolge(de) gehoben: eine Schlussfolgerung einleitendes Wort., daarom(de) auf einen vorgenannten Sachverhalt verweisend., ergo(de) eine Schlussfolgerung einleitendes Wort., mitsdien(de) gehoben: eine Schlussfolgerung einleitendes Wort., toen(de) auf einen vorgenannten Sachverhalt verweisend.

dus (interjection):
goed(en) Used to fill space or pauses .
(en) Used as a general lead-in or beginning .
, maar(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, oké(en) Used as a general lead-in or beginning .
(en) Used to fill space or pauses .
, zo(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zodanig(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zodat(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
, zodoende(en) with the result that.
(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.

dus (bn):
maar(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.
, zo(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.
, zodanig(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.
, zodat(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.
, zodoende(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.

dus (vw):
maar(en) interjection used to introduce a new topic.
(en) with the result that.
, daarom(pl) —.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken