Nederlandse synoniemen voor 'bij'

N.B. De resultaten hieronder komen van derde partijen. Zie ook resultaten uit onze eigen synoniemendatabank voor bij.

bij (vz):
nabij(en) in close proximity to.
(sv) nära eller intill viss plats.
(sv) —.
, aan(en) positioned at or resting against the outer surface of; attached to.
(ru) около, рядом с.
, in de buurt(en) on one's person; nearby the person.
(en) in the immediate neighborhood of.
, in de buurt van(en) in the immediate neighborhood of.
(en) on one's person; nearby the person.
, met(en) in support of.
(en) in the company of.
, omheen(en) in the immediate neighborhood of.
(en) on one's person; nearby the person.
, voor(en) in the company of.
(en) in support of.
, op(en) in or very near a particular place., wegens(en) positioned at or resting against the outer surface of; attached to.

bij (ww):
aan(en) be part of a group.
(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
, horen(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
(en) be part of a group.
, iemand(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
(en) be part of a group.
, thuishoren(en) be part of a group.
(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
, toebehoren(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
(en) be part of a group.
, van(en) be part of a group.
(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
, zijn(en) be the guardian, spouse or partner of.
(en) be part of a group.

bij (bw):
nabij(en) at or towards a position close in space or time.
(en) In a time, place or sequence closest or following.
, dierbaar(en) at or towards a position close in space or time., naverwant(en) at or towards a position close in space or time., vlakbij(en) In a time, place or sequence closest or following.

bij (zn):
honingbij(en) insect.
(el) έντομο.
(en) honey bee.
(fr) Insecte hyménoptère.
(fr) Insecte à miel.
(fr) Insecte à miel.
(es) —.
(lt) bitė.
(ru) насекомое.
(zh) 蜜蜂.
, imme(en) insect.
(en) honey bee.
(zh) 蜜蜂.

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