base (zn):
A support or foundation
basement, piëdestal, postament, sokkel, standaard, stander, voetstuk
base (zn):
A place that the runner must touch before scoring
base (zn):
(electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector
honk, basis
base (zn):
Installation from which a military force initiates operations
base (zn):
A flat bottom on which something is intended to sit
bodem, grondvlak
base (zn):
Lowest support of a structure
basis, bedding, fundament, fundering, grondslag, grondvest, grondvesting
base (zn):
The stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area
base (zn):
The fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained
fundament, grond, grondslag, hoeksteen, initia, ondergrond, pijler, substantie, voet
base (zn):
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
base (zn):
A terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries
Al Qaida
base (zn):
The place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
basis, thuisbasis
base (zn):
The bottom or lowest part
basis, onderstuk
base (zn):
(numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place
base (zn):
Any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water
alkali, basis, vertrekpunt, base
base (zn):
A phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)
base (zn):
basis(en) —.
(en) —.
(en) —.
(en) —.
(en) —.
(ca) En geometria.
(ca) Beisbol: punts dels angles.
(ca) Recinte militar.
(ca) Bàdminton: nucli d'un volant.
(de) —.
(fr) solution ayant un pH supérieur à 7.
(fr) socle.
(es) —.
(ja) —.
(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(ru) опорная часть.
(zh) 根據地.
(pl) —., base(en) —.
(de) alkalisch reagierende chemische Verbindung, deren pH-Wert über 7 liegt.
(ja) ..
(sv) tal i potens.
(sv) tal som grund i positionssystem.
(sv) något som man utgår ifrån.
(sv) ämne med pH över 7.
(sv) kemiskt ämne som upptar vätejoner.
(sv) militär stödjepunkt.
(sv) transistoranslutning.
(zh) 能夠中和酸的化合物., kazerne(en) —.
(ja) —.
(zh) 根據地., honk(en) —., hoofdkwartier(en) —., schildvoet(en) —., vertrekpunt(en) —., sokkel(de) —.
(fr) Support d’une statue, d’un vase, etc.., alkali(pl) —., fundament(ru) основание, служащее опорой конструкции какого-либо здания или сооружения., fundering(ru) основание, служащее опорой конструкции какого-либо здания или сооружения., grondslag(ru) опорная часть., loog(de) alkalisch reagierende chemische Verbindung, deren pH-Wert über 7 liegt., nicht(de) Verwandtschaftsgrad, veraltend: Tochter eines Onkels oder einer Tante., onderbouw(ru) основание, служащее опорой конструкции какого-либо здания или сооружения., ondergrond(de) —., onderlegger(de) —., radix(ru) часть основания., voet(fr) Support d’une statue, d’un vase, etc..
base (ww):
baseren(en) —.
(no) bygge på.
(ru) основывать что-либо на чём-либо; строить (предположение, теорию, стратегию {{итп}}) на основе чего-либо., zich baseren op(en) —., gronden(ru) основывать что-либо на чём-либо; строить (предположение, теорию, стратегию {{итп}}) на основе чего-либо.
base (bn):
basis-(fr) Élémentaire.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken