heart (zn):
A playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it
harten, hart
heart (zn):
The courage to carry on
lef, durf, karakter, temperament, levendigheid, vastberadenheid, moed
heart (zn):
The hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body
lever, hart, rikketik, tikker, tikkertje
heart (zn):
The locus of feelings and intuitions
hart, binnenste
heart (zn):
The choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
bijzonderheid, kerngedachte, essentialia, essentie, grond, hoofdpunt, hoofdzaak, hypostase, kern, kernpunt, kwintessens, primaat, substantie, wezen, zwaartepunt
heart (zn):
A positive feeling of liking
heart (zn):
An area that is approximately central within some larger region
hart, kern
heart (zn):
A plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines
Via: Ensyns.nl
heart (zn):
hart(en) —.
(en) —.
(en) —.
(en) —.
(en) —.
(ca) Part central.
(ca) Símbol de l'amor.
(ca) Múscul que bombeja sang.
(el) όργανο.
(de) Zentrum.
(de) bildlich: für Liebe, Seele, Güte.
(de) Medizin, Anatomie: das Zentralorgan für den Blutkreislauf.
(de) Gastronomie: Innerei/Organ eines Tieres, das zum Verzehr bestimmt ist.
(de) Kartenspiel: eine der vier Farben der Spielkarten.
(de) ein Symbol (♥) für [2].
(fi) verta pumppaava elin.
(it) {{Term|anatomia|it}} organo muscolare.
(fr) Organe .
(fr) Centre symbolique.
(fr) Compassion, générosité.
(es) —.
(fr) Symbole de carte.
(fr) Fermeté, courage (Par extension) (Vieilli).
(fr) Centre de l’affectivité.
(fr) Forme de l’organe.
(lt) širdis.
(pt) (órgão).
(sv) organ som pumpar runt blodet i kroppen.
(ru) центральный о́рган кровеносной системы человека и позвоночных животных.
(tr) anatomi.
(pl) —., harten(en) —., borst(ru) душа., hartziekte(tr) anatomi., kern(fr) quintessence, ce qu’il y a de substantiel dans une chose., pit(fr) quintessence, ce qu’il y a de substantiel dans une chose.
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Via: Memodata.com